MATLAB: Making a Plot inset


So this is my Code
% 1 Hz
i =1;
I plot my 4 lines in one plot
hold on;
plot(Freq_0k4 {1,i}(1,:), Moment_0k4 {1,i}(:,1),'k');
plot(Freq_1k6 {1,i}(1,:), Moment_1k6 {1,i}(:,1),'r');
plot(Freq_3k2 {1,i}(1,:), Moment_3k2 {1,i}(:,1),'m');
plot(Freq_4k8 {1,i}(1,:), Moment_4k8 {1,i}(:,1),'b');
xlim([0 10]);
xlim([0 10]);
grid on;
Then I would like to make an inset, where you have a kind of zoomed in section, to see which is above which line.
p = get(gca, 'Position');
h = axes('Parent', gcf, 'Position', [p(1)+0.05 p(2)+0.2 p(3)-0.25 p(4)-0.2]);
plot(h, Freq_0k4 {1,i}(1,:), Moment_0k4 {1,i}(:,1),'k');
plot(h, Freq_1k6 {1,i}(1,:), Moment_1k6 {1,i}(:,1),'r');
plot(h, Freq_3k2 {1,i}(1,:), Moment_3k2 {1,i}(:,1),'m');
plot(h, Freq_4k8 {1,i}(1,:), Moment_4k8 {1,i}(:,1),'b');
set(h, 'Xlim', [0.9 1.1], 'Ylim', [4 5.2]);
grid on;
hold off;
unfortunatly with this inset only the last 'blue' line is getting plotted.
Can anybody help me with this?

Best Answer

You need to call hold on the new axes too
p = get(gca, 'Position');
h = axes('Parent', gcf, 'Position', [p(1)+0.05 p(2)+0.2 p(3)-0.25 p(4)-0.2]);
hold(h); % <--- add this line
plot(h, Freq_0k4 {1,i}(1,:), Moment_0k4 {1,i}(:,1),'k');
plot(h, Freq_1k6 {1,i}(1,:), Moment_1k6 {1,i}(:,1),'r');
plot(h, Freq_3k2 {1,i}(1,:), Moment_3k2 {1,i}(:,1),'m');
plot(h, Freq_4k8 {1,i}(1,:), Moment_4k8 {1,i}(:,1),'b');