MATLAB: Make video from images

imageImage Processing Toolboxmovievideovideo processing

Hello !
I have about 500 pics and i'd like to make a video with. Also, i have a vector with the time each image should appear. (Img10 at tome(10))
Is it possible ?
Thank you so much, Loic.

Best Answer

I was doing almost the same thing today. I'm still in the act of polishing it up, but here is a first draft that works, attached. You specify a folder of images and it builds all the images into an avi movie. You can specify the frame rate, and how many times the first slide shows up (because it might be a title slide).
You could use text() to imprint any text on the frames, such as the time or whatever.
I'm using it to make a time lapse movie of a building they're building here. It will take 3 years to finish the building. I take a picture every day that I'm there. Eventually I also want to figure out how to place each frame at the proper time, but right now it just strings them all together. Feel free to modify it though to do what you want, which will require you writing additional copies of frames in there to make sure the frame you want appears at the proper time.