MATLAB: Make the XTickLabel mouse sensitive in UIAxes

buttondownfcnMATLABmouse sensitiveuiaxesxticklabel

i would like to make the XTickLabel entries (or Y or Z dimension) mouse sensitive in UIAxes. pressing a mouse left on a label should callback a function.
thanks a lot !!!

Best Answer

This demo uses a ButtonDownFcn function on the axes to detect when the left mouse button selects an x-tick label. The selection updates the axis title. Requires Matlab r2020b or later.
% Create demo UI Figure
fig = uifigure();
ax = uiaxes(fig);
ax.ButtonDownFcn = @axisButtonDownFcn;
function axisButtonDownFcn(ax, event)
% Responds to mouse click on axes. If click is above the lower y-axis
% there is no action. If the click is on or around the x-axis ticks,
% the nearest tick is located. Only accepts left mouse clicks.
% Only accept left mouse clicks
if event.Button ~= 1
% Only accepts clicks lower than min(ylim)
if event.IntersectionPoint(2) > min(ax.YLim)
% Get closest x-tick to the click
[~, tickIdx] = min(abs(ax.XTick - event.IntersectionPoint(1)));
tickSelected = ax.XTick(tickIdx);
% Update axis title to indicat tick selected
ax.Title.String = sprintf('x=%.4g selected', tickSelected);