MATLAB: Make legend for lines


Hello, My plot has two many lines but with only two different colors. When I want to add the legend I just want to write the legend for those two colors, but in the legend it shows me the same color. Can anyone please tell me how I can skip the lines with the same color?
Here is my code
p1=line([t1 t1]',[0 1],'color','red');
hold on
p2=line([t2 t2]',[0 1],'color','green');
legend([p1 p2],'T1','T2')

Best Answer

linehandles = [p1, p2, p3, ...];
cols = cell2mat(get(linehandles, 'color'));
[~, uidx] = unique(cols, 'rows', 'stable');
legend(linehandles(uidx), {'first class', 'second class'})
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