MATLAB: Make a slope eld for this equation


Make a slope field for this equation over the intervals between 0<t<6 and 0<y<1. Equation: 5*y*(1-y)-(1+((sin(2*pi*t))/2))
Attempted code:
syms y(t);
[T, Y] = meshgrid(0:0.2:6, 0:0.2:1);
S = 5*y*(1-y)-(1+(1/2)*sin(2*pi*t));
L = sqrt(1 + S.^2);
quiver(T, Y, 1./L, S./L, 0.45)
axis tight; xlabel('t'), ylabel('y')
title('Slope field field')
Error: Error using quiver (line 44) DOUBLE cannot convert the input expression into a double array.
Error in Project_3 (line 26) quiver(T, Y, 1/L, S/L, 0.45)

Best Answer

Don’t use the Symbolic Math Toolbox. Use an anonymous function instead:
[T, Y] = meshgrid(0:0.2:6, 0:0.2:1);
S = @(t,y) 5*y.*(1-y)-(1+(1/2)*sin(2*pi*t));
L = sqrt(1 + S(T,Y).^2);
quiver(T, Y, 1./L, S(T,Y)./L, 0.45)
axis tight; xlabel('t'), ylabel('y')
title('Slope field field')
This works. I will leave it to your to determine if it produces the correct results. For information on anonymous functions, see the appropriate sections in Function Basics.
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