MATLAB: Make a for loop for the following code

discrete time for loopfor loopprobability transition matrix

I am estimating the probabilities over time.
for example, my data matrix is 6 by 5 (where 6 is the number of simulations and 5 is the number of time periods).
data = [2, 2 , 1, 1, 1, 1; 2, 2 , 1, 1, 1, 2; 2, 2 , 1, 2, 1, 2; 2, 2 , 1, 2, 1, 2; 2, 3 , 2, 2, 1, 2]
States = unique([data(:,1); data(:,2)]) % Find the unique rows of A based on the data in the first two columns.
[TFinitial, fromstateAge27] = ismember(sequence(:,3), States) % logical arrays
[TF25, tostateAge27] = ismember(sequence(:,4), States) % logical array
went_from_to_countAge27 = accumarray( [fromstateAge27(:), tostateAge27(:)], 1, []) % frequency of transitions from one state to another
went_from_to_probAge27 = went_from_to_countAge27 ./ sum(went_from_to_countAge27) % probability of transition from one state to another
Now I want to make a for loop that runs the above code for each column of matrix "data".
For the above code (column 1 to 2), my output is "went_from_to_probAge27 "
for column 2 to 3, my output will be "went_from_to_probAge28"
from column 3 to 4, my output will be "went_from_to_probAge29" and so on.

Best Answer

Naming a variable "went_from_to_probAge27" hides important information in the name. There this information can be accessed by really awkward methods only. See TUTORIAL: why and how to avoid EVAL
Use arrays instead. Because here you need 27 as data, a struct array would be efficient:
Data(1).Age = 27;
[TFinitial, Data(1).fromstate] = ismember(sequence(:,3), States);
[TF25, Data(1).tostate] = ismember(sequence(:,4), States)
Does this help to solve your problem?