MATLAB: Main title of figure removed after print function is used

Deep Learning Toolboxexportimage processingImage Processing Toolboxprinttitle

I am creating a figure with 6 sub figures, all with its own title. At the end I want to display a title using sgtitle for the figure. This works well and then I am exporting my figure using print. However, after the print step, the title of the figure dissappears. Below is a snippet of my script.
summaryTitle = sprintf(summaryTitle, Name,iFrame, percentage,...
sgtitle(summaryTitle, 'Interpreter', 'none');
pdfTitle = Class+"_summary of Image_"+num2str(iFrame, '%05i');
mkdir (fullfile(selpath,'CroppedImages','Reports'));
print(pdfTitle, '-dpdf', '-fillpage','-r600');
summaryPath = fullfile(selpath,'CroppedImages','Reports');
movefile(pdfTitle +".pdf",summaryPath);
The problem occurs everytime the script passes the line with print.

Best Answer

Hi Filip,
This is a known issue, which may be fixed in a future release.
A Workaround is to use the annotations to generate a common title as shown in the code below,
f = figure;
title('First Subplot')
title('Second Subplot')
title('Third Subplot')
title('Fourth Subplot')
annotation('textbox', [0.45, 1.0, 0.2, 0], 'string', 'Title',"EdgeColor",'None',"FontSize",15)
Kiran Felix Robert