MATLAB: Machine learning, stuttering detection

Audio Toolboxspeech recognition

I'm working on a project that detects the stuttering in a speech and counts how many syllables with stuttering in the speech using machine learning, neural network.
However, I'm new in the machine learning world and have questions!!!
Is it right to use speech recognition to detect the stuttering syllables?? or there is another way, which is simpler, to do that??
Thank you in advance

Best Answer

Yes, it is a good idea to use machine learning for stuttering detection. I would recommend you start with how to extract mfcc features in MATLAB, refer this link for the same:
These mfcc features are representations of your audio file, they are a 2D matrix similar to an image. Image recognition algorithms such as convolution can be then be used for stuttering recognition, where the output can be a stuttering label.
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