MATLAB: Machine Learning, Forecast Wind, Forecast Irradiation, Historical Data

forecast irradiationforecast windhelphistorical datamachine learning

I want to make a forecast model for Irradiation and Wind from the table "NewData" … Can Anyone help me please ?
For example it should be a forecast for a week and till the end of the year. I watched many tutorials but i do not get it right now.
Maybe we can work together and somebody can teach it step by step ?
Thank you very much
Felix Neumann

Best Answer

to start with machine learning i recommend to use the provided Apps from the Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox. In your case a Regression appears to be what you need.
To start with machine learning in Matlab i suggest doing the following steps:
  1. Read about the Basics of Machine Learning in Matlab. Additionally there are some interesting videos in the tutorial section of
  2. Find out how the Regression Learner App works
  3. Work through the examples given in the documentation to understand the features.
  4. Prepare your Data and think about which predictors are meaningful in your case
  5. Test different models and try out the different thoughts you made in step 4 to find a good model
  6. Export the model and make predictions on new data
Best regards
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