MATLAB: Mac/UNIX uigetfile dialog box has no title

uigetfile titleunix

On Windows,
displays a dialog box with the specified title. On a Mac, the title doesn't appear. Is there a way to get the title of the dialog to appear?

Best Answer

The work-around I've used is to couple calls to uigetfile with a test of "ispc". If ~ispc, then issue the command "menu(dialog,'OK');" which will generate a menu displaying the desired dialog string which the MacOSX user is forced to aknowledge before the un-titled uigetfile interface comes up. At least then they know what they are supposed to be selecting. For example: if "title_str" contains the title you want displayed...
if ~ispc; menu(title_str,'OK'); end
[fname,pname] = uigetfile('*.*',title_str);
For PC users, they only see the uigetfile dialog box with desired title. For MacOSX users, they initially see a menu with a title from title_str. After selecting "OK", then they see an untitled uigetfile dialog box, but by then they know what to select.