MATLAB: Lowess smoothing has 49,226 calls , taking forever, anyway to speed up

curve fittingCurve Fitting Toolboxlowesssmoothsmoothing

I have an array that is 24613 cells of data and I am trying to run:
if true
Smooth=smooth(GraphTime, Data(:,1),800,'lowess');
The problem is lowess looks at every cell twice for the comparison and smoothing, so thats 49226 calls which according to the profiler takes 117 seconds to complete this and I am doing it twice for separate data sets in each run! How can I shrink this time?

Best Answer

I found the problem. In my smooth call: I am doing a double smoothign for both the (x,y) variables. so it is comparing all of them bewteen graphtime and data. if i delete graphtime it looks about the same and is 0.6 seconds fast. basically do just this: