MATLAB: Loosing precision extremely in fraction expression

fractionloosing presition

Hello i have a two numbers (D1 D2) which are extremly close to each other very close,but when iput them into the formula shown bellow i get numbets(T1 T2) which differ by 100 then the difference original numbers .
is there a way to increase the presition of this fraction expresion so i will get error_D =errot_T
error_D = -2.5826e-04
error_T = -0.0139

Best Answer

This is not an issue of precision. It is the property of the function itself. Consider a function and choose two numbers , They have a difference of . But if I apply the function, I get a difference of on their output. As you can see, there is nothing I can do to improve the 'precision'. This is already the exact output of the function.
I can define an arbitrary function to further magnify this effect: .