MATLAB: Loops and divisions by 7 and calling function


I am trying to write code that divides a number by 7 until the value remaing is less than 1. It must also count the divisions and display the final number.
This is what I have so far:
function [whatsLeft, divisionCount] = divideBySeven(number)
%Enter the code for your function here.
while number < 1
number = number / 7
divisionCount = divisionCount + 1
whatsLeft = number
this is my code to call my function:
[whatsLeft, divisionCount] = divideBySeven(256)
I tried to run this and the error was that: Output argument "divisionCount" (and maybe others) not assigned during call to "divideBySeven".

Best Answer

function [whatsLeft, divisionCount] = divideBySeven (number)
% Enter the code for your function here.

while number <1
number = number / 7
divisionCount = divisionCount + 1
whatsLeft = number
In the above you are using the variable divisonCountinside the loop and you have not defined it. You have to define it.
function [whatsLeft, divisionCount] = divideBySeven (number)
% Enter the code for your function here.
divisionCount = 0;
while number <1
number = number / 7
divisionCount = divisionCount + 1
whatsLeft = number
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