MATLAB: Looping for calculate parameter

MATLABmatlab function

Hi MATLAB community,
I am trying create a structure to calculate a parameter,
For made this, I would to calculate de a(1)*F(:,1)+a(2)*F(:,2)+a3*F(:,3)……until a(i)*F(i), respectily until that total number of parameters ((i=number of factors), 4 in the case). I have a doubt if I use for or while for this structure.
Could you help me?
Thank you very much
Guilherme Lopes de Campos
correlation=corrcoef(X); % size X(324,19)
eigvalue = eig(correlation);
factor = nnz(eigvalue>=1);% number of factor ( 4 in the case)
nonfactor = nnz(eigvalue<1);
sumeigvalue = sum(eigvalue);
eigvalue = eig(correlation);
[n,j] = size(eigvalue)
for i = 1:n
if eigvalue(i)>=1;
a(i)= eigvalue(i); %obtained the vector of a(i)
a = sort(a,'descend')
for i=1:factor
parameter = a(i)*F(:,i); % F is a matrix (324,4)

Best Answer

With a FOR loop:
S = 0;
for k = 1:numel(a)
S = S + a(k) * F(:, k);
Or without a loop:
S = F(:, 1:numel(a)) * a(:);