MATLAB: Looping a switch statement


I currently have the code below, in which the user is asked to enter a task, which then uses the switch statement shown below.
switch task
case 'create a file'
fprintf('You have chosen to create a file \n');
case 'quit'
fprintf('You have chosen to quit \n');
fprintf('You have entered an action not on the list\n');
fprintf('You will now be directed to the start again to select another action \n');
I was wondering how to loop it back to the beginning and continually ask for the user to input a task and how to exit fully out of the loop if the user enters 'quit'

Best Answer

This is not the safest way to do this, and you will likely realize why later, but for purely educational purposes:
while true
task = input('Please Enter Task\n','s');
switch task
case 'create a file'
fprintf('You have chosen to create a file \n');
case 'quit'
fprintf('You have chosen to quit \n');
fprintf('You have entered an action not on the list\n');
fprintf('You will now be directed to the start again to select another action \n');
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