MATLAB: Loop to create matrix with 2 inputs and 2 outputs

>2 variablesfor loopmatrixvector

I recently had an assignment to create a code and got it right, but afterwards it was recommended to me that it would have been easier to do it a different way. The way the code below is set up was to be more like a calculator. You input the 2 values and it displays 2 outputs. This was very tedious to do and a loop would have been much quicker.
For my situation I have 2 inputs and 2 outputs that are a function of the 2 inputs. I want to have the inputs change through a loop and save the output variables to a matrix.
The value of TINT needs to be set to range from 1100 to 1800 at intervals of 100 while the OPR needs to be 4 to 30 increments of 2. I have a basic understanding of how to do this if it was only one variable changing. I am not sure how to do 2 variables.

%Given Values |

Ra = 0.287; %kJ/kg/k |

ga = 1.4; %Gamma Air |

gg = 1.3333; %Gamma gas |

Nd = 0.93; %Efficiency of Diffuser |

Nc = 0.87; %Efficiency of Compressor |

Nb = 0.98; %Efficiency of Combustion Chamber |

Nm = 0.99; %Efficiency of Mechanical |

Nt = 0.90; %Efficiency of Turbines |

Nn = 0.95; %Efficiency of Nozzle |

Ma = 0.84; %Mach |

Alt = 5; %km |

%OPR = 9; %Overal Pressure Ratio |

prompt = 'Overall Pressure Ratio? '; % |

OPR = input(prompt); % |
PRClp = sqrt(OPR); %Pressure Ratio over LP Compressor |
PRChp = sqrt(OPR); %Pressure Ratio over HP Compressor |
deltap0 = 0.04; % 4% of delievery a loss |


%From Handout 5 based on Altitude of 5km--------------|

Ta = 255.7; %K |

Pa = 54.05; %kPa |

rho = 0.736; %kg/m^3 |

u = 1.63; %N*s/m^2 |

Va = Ma * sqrt(ga*Ra*Ta*1000); %in m/s

Cpoa = (ga*Ra)/(ga-1); %in kJ/kg/K

T01 = Ta*(1 + ((ga-1)/2)*Ma^2);
P01 = Pa*(1 + Nd*((ga-1)/2)*(Ma^2))^(ga/(ga-1));
P02 = P01*PRClp;
T02 = T01 + ((T01*((PRClp)^((ga-1)/ga)-1)/Nc));
Wclp = Cpoa*(T01-T02);
P03 = P02*PRChp;
T03 = T02 + ((T02*((PRChp)^((ga-1)/ga)-1)/Nc));
Wchp = -Cpoa*(T03-T02);
Tr = T03;
% Tp

prompt = 'Temperature of Products? ';
Tp = input(prompt);
T04 = Tp;
if (Tp <= 1600 && Tp>=400)
COAp = 299180; COBp = 37.85; COCp = -4571.9; CO2Ap = 56835;
CO2Bp = 66.27; CO2Cp = -11634; H2OAp = 88923; H2OBp = 49.36;
H2OCp = -7940.8; N2Ap = 31317; N2Bp = 37.46; N2Cp = -4559.3;
O2Ap = 43388; O2Bp = 42.27; O2Cp = -6635.4;
%Tp > 1600K

elseif (Tp > 1600);
COAp = 309070; COBp = 39.29; COCp = -6201; CO2Ap = 93048;
CO2Bp = 68.58; CO2Cp = -16979; H2OAp = 154670; H2OBp = 60.43;
H2OCp = -19212; N2Ap = 44639; N2Bp = 39.32; N2Cp = -6753.4;
O2Ap = 127010; O2Bp = 46.25; O2Cp = -18798;
MC = 14.4;
MH = 24.9;
MO = 0;
Hrp = -8561991.6;
Ycc = MC + (MH/4) + (MO/2);
Ymin = Ycc - (MC/2);
Mfuel = MC*12 + MH + MO*16;
Mair = 28.97;
%Find f

%based on Tr < 1600K

COAr = 299180; COBr = 37.85; COCr = -4571.9; CO2Ar = 56835;
CO2Br = 66.27; CO2Cr = -11634; H2OAr = 88923; H2OBr = 49.36;
H2OCr = -7940.8; N2Ar = 31317; N2Br = 37.46; N2Cr = -4559.3;
O2Ar = 43388; O2Br = 42.27; O2Cr = -6635.4;
%based on Excess Air

N1 = 0;
N2 = MC;
N3 = (MH/2);
HbarCO = 0;
HbarCO2 = (CO2Ap + CO2Bp*Tp + CO2Cp*log(Tp)) - (CO2Ar + CO2Br*Tr + CO2Cr*log(Tr));
HbarH2O = (H2OAp + H2OBp*Tp + H2OCp*log(Tp)) - (H2OAr + H2OBr*Tr + H2OCr*log(Tr));
HbarO2 = (O2Ap + O2Bp*Tp + O2Cp*log(Tp)) - (O2Ar + O2Br*Tr + O2Cr*log(Tr));
HbarN2 = (N2Ap + N2Bp*Tp + N2Cp*log(Tp)) - (N2Ar + N2Br*Tr + N2Cr*log(Tr));
syms Y
eqn = Hrp + (N1 * 282800) + (N2 * HbarCO2) + (N3 * HbarH2O) + ((Y - Ycc)* HbarO2) + ((3.76 * Y)* HbarN2)==0;
Y = solve(eqn,Y);
%Finding f

fideal= ((1/(4.76*Y)))*((Mfuel)/(Mair));
f = fideal/0.98; %Getting f actual from ideal and efficiency

P04 = (1- deltap0)*P03;
Cp0g = (gg*Ra)/(gg-1); %in kJ/kg/K
T05 = T04 +((Wchp)/(Nm*(1+0.0168170)*Cp0g)); %K

P05 = (P04)*(1-((1-(T05/T04))/Nt))^(gg/(gg-1)); %kPa

T06 = T05 + (Wclp/(Nm*(1+f)*Cp0g));

P06 = P05*(1-((1-(T06/T05))/Nt))^(gg/(gg-1)); %Page 26!!!!

%Return to the particular converging nozzle of the turbojet problem

P0i = P06;
T0i = T06;
T0e = T06;
PstarovP06 = (1-(1/Nn)*(1-(2/(gg+1))))^(gg/(gg-1));
PaovP06 = Pa/P06;
%Choke Test

if(PstarovP06 >= PaovP06)
choked = 1;
elseif (PstarovP06 > PaovP06)
choked =2;
%If Choked

if(choked == 1)
Me = 1;
Pe = P06*(PstarovP06);
Te = T06*(2/(gg+1));
rhoe = Pe/(Ra*Te); %kg/m^3

Ve = sqrt(gg*Ra*1000*Te);
%If not choked

elseif (choked == 2)
Pe = Pa;
Te = T06*(1-(Nn(1-(Pe/P06)^((gg-1)/gg))));
rhoe = Pe/(Ra*Te); %kg/m^3
Me = sqrt(((T06/Te)-1)*(2/(gg-1))); %Me<1 if not choked

Ve = Me*sqrt(gg*Ra*1000*Te);
%Compute Fs (Specific Thrust)

Fs = ((1+f)*Ve)-Va +(Pe*1000-Pa*1000)*((1+f)/(rhoe*Ve)); %N/(kg/sec)

%Compute tsfc

tsfc = f/Fs*3600;
double(tsfc) %kgfuel/hour/N

Below is the way that I tried to edit the code to accomplish this and it has been running for about 5 minutes with no results.
clc clear format long g
%Given Values |
Ra = 0.287; %kJ/kg/k |
ga = 1.4; %Gamma Air |
gg = 1.3333; %Gamma gas |
Nd = 0.93; %Efficiency of Diffuser |
Nc = 0.87; %Efficiency of Compressor |
Nb = 0.98; %Efficiency of Combustion Chamber |
Nm = 0.99; %Efficiency of Mechanical |
Nt = 0.90; %Efficiency of Turbines |
Nn = 0.95; %Efficiency of Nozzle |
Ma = 0.84; %Mach |
Alt = 5; %km |
%OPR = 9; %Overal Pressure Ratio |
%prompt = 'Overall Pressure Ratio? '; % |
%OPR = input(prompt); % |
%PRClp = sqrt(OPR); %Pressure Ratio over LP Compressor |
%PRChp = sqrt(OPR); %Pressure Ratio over HP Compressor |
deltap0 = 0.04; % 4% of delievery a loss |
%From Handout 5 based on Altitude of 5km--------------|
Ta = 255.7; %K |
Pa = 54.05; %kPa |
rho = 0.736; %kg/m^3 |
u = 1.63; %N*s/m^2 |
% Tp
%prompt = 'Temperature of Products? ';
%Tp = input(prompt);
%T04 = Tp;
for TINT = 1000:1700
TINT = TINT + 100;
for OPR = 2:28
OPR = OPR + 2;
PRClp = sqrt(OPR); %Pressure Ratio over LP Compressor
PRChp = sqrt(OPR); %Pressure Ratio over HP Compressor
Va = Ma * sqrt(ga*Ra*Ta*1000); %in m/s
Cpoa = (ga*Ra)/(ga-1); %in kJ/kg/K
T01 = Ta*(1 + ((ga-1)/2)*Ma^2);
P01 = Pa*(1 + Nd*((ga-1)/2)*(Ma^2))^(ga/(ga-1));
P02 = P01*PRClp;
T02 = T01 + ((T01*((PRClp)^((ga-1)/ga)-1)/Nc));
Wclp = Cpoa*(T01-T02);
P03 = P02*PRChp;
T03 = T02 + ((T02*((PRChp)^((ga-1)/ga)-1)/Nc));
Wchp = -Cpoa*(T03-T02);
Tr = T03;
Tp = TINT;
T04 = Tp;
if (Tp <= 1600 && Tp>=400)
COAp = 299180; COBp = 37.85; COCp = -4571.9; CO2Ap = 56835;
CO2Bp = 66.27; CO2Cp = -11634; H2OAp = 88923; H2OBp = 49.36;
H2OCp = -7940.8; N2Ap = 31317; N2Bp = 37.46; N2Cp = -4559.3;
O2Ap = 43388; O2Bp = 42.27; O2Cp = -6635.4;
%Tp > 1600K
elseif (Tp > 1600);
COAp = 309070; COBp = 39.29; COCp = -6201; CO2Ap = 93048;
CO2Bp = 68.58; CO2Cp = -16979; H2OAp = 154670; H2OBp = 60.43;
H2OCp = -19212; N2Ap = 44639; N2Bp = 39.32; N2Cp = -6753.4;
O2Ap = 127010; O2Bp = 46.25; O2Cp = -18798;
MC = 14.4;
MH = 24.9;
MO = 0;
Hrp = -8561991.6;
Ycc = MC + (MH/4) + (MO/2);
Ymin = Ycc - (MC/2);
Mfuel = MC*12 + MH + MO*16;
Mair = 28.97;
%Find f
%based on Tr < 1600K
COAr = 299180; COBr = 37.85; COCr = -4571.9; CO2Ar = 56835;
CO2Br = 66.27; CO2Cr = -11634; H2OAr = 88923; H2OBr = 49.36;
H2OCr = -7940.8; N2Ar = 31317; N2Br = 37.46; N2Cr = -4559.3;
O2Ar = 43388; O2Br = 42.27; O2Cr = -6635.4;
%based on Excess Air
N1 = 0;
N2 = MC;
N3 = (MH/2);
HbarCO = 0;
HbarCO2 = (CO2Ap + CO2Bp*Tp + CO2Cp*log(Tp)) - (CO2Ar + CO2Br*Tr + CO2Cr*log(Tr));
HbarH2O = (H2OAp + H2OBp*Tp + H2OCp*log(Tp)) - (H2OAr + H2OBr*Tr + H2OCr*log(Tr));
HbarO2 = (O2Ap + O2Bp*Tp + O2Cp*log(Tp)) - (O2Ar + O2Br*Tr + O2Cr*log(Tr));
HbarN2 = (N2Ap + N2Bp*Tp + N2Cp*log(Tp)) - (N2Ar + N2Br*Tr + N2Cr*log(Tr));
syms Y
eqn = Hrp + (N1 * 282800) + (N2 * HbarCO2) + (N3 * HbarH2O) + ((Y - Ycc)* HbarO2) + ((3.76 * Y)* HbarN2)==0;
Y = solve(eqn,Y);
%Finding f
fideal= ((1/(4.76*Y)))*((Mfuel)/(Mair));
f = fideal/0.98; %Getting f actual from ideal and efficiency
P04 = (1- deltap0)*P03;
Cp0g = (gg*Ra)/(gg-1); %in kJ/kg/K
T05 = T04 +((Wchp)/(Nm*(1+0.0168170)*Cp0g)); %K
P05 = (P04)*(1-((1-(T05/T04))/Nt))^(gg/(gg-1)); %kPa
T06 = T05 + (Wclp/(Nm*(1+f)*Cp0g));
P06 = P05*(1-((1-(T06/T05))/Nt))^(gg/(gg-1)); %Page 26!!!!
%Return to the particular converging nozzle of the turbojet problem
P0i = P06;
T0i = T06;
T0e = T06;
PstarovP06 = (1-(1/Nn)*(1-(2/(gg+1))))^(gg/(gg-1));
PaovP06 = Pa/P06;
%Choke Test
if(PstarovP06 >= PaovP06)
choked = 1;
elseif (PstarovP06 > PaovP06)
choked =2;
%If Choked
if(choked == 1)
Me = 1;
Pe = P06*(PstarovP06);
Te = T06*(2/(gg+1));
rhoe = Pe/(Ra*Te); %kg/m^3
Ve = sqrt(gg*Ra*1000*Te);
%If not choked
elseif (choked == 2)
Pe = Pa;
Te = T06*(1-(Nn(1-(Pe/P06)^((gg-1)/gg))));
rhoe = Pe/(Ra*Te); %kg/m^3
Me = sqrt(((T06/Te)-1)*(2/(gg-1))); %Me<1 if not choked
Ve = Me*sqrt(gg*Ra*1000*Te);
%Compute Fs (Specific Thrust)
Fs = ((1+f)*Ve)-Va +(Pe*1000-Pa*1000)*((1+f)/(rhoe*Ve)); %N/(kg/sec)
%Compute tsfc
tsfc = f/Fs*3600;
double(tsfc); %kgfuel/hour/N
Fs(TINT) = Fs;
Thank you for any help you may be able to provide,

Best Answer

Colby - you almost have it. Your code for the two for loops is as follows
for TINT = 1000:1700
TINT = TINT + 100;
for OPR = 2:28
OPR = OPR + 2;
Since TINT and OPR are your indexing variables, you don't need to increment either through code. This will happen automatically so long as you set your step value correctly in the for loop. The above can be rewritten as
for TINT = 1100:100:1800
for OPR = 4:2:30
% etc.
So on the first iteration of the outer for loop, TINT will be assigned a value on 1100, and subsequent iterations of this loop will assign values of 1200, 1300, 1400,...,1800 to TINT.
The inner for loop will initialize *OPR to 4 with subsequent iterations assigning it values of 6,8,10,...,30.