MATLAB: Loop to carry out calculation for pairs 1 and 2, then pairs 2 and 3 and so on.


I have two 8×1 matrices. One matrix is list of longitude coordinates (Final_Longitude_Values). The other matrix is the corresponding latitude coordinates (Final_Latitude_Values).
I want to calculate the distance between the first pair and the second pair, and then the second pair and the third pair, and so on until I have come to the end of each matrix.
I have written the following code in an attempt to automate this process:
{for j = 1:length(Final_Latitude_Values)
latlon1=[(Final_Latitude_Values(j)) (Final_Longitude_Values(j))];
latlon2=[(Final_Latitude_Values(j+1) (Final_Longitude_Values(j+1))];
[d1km d2km]=distance(latlon1,latlon2);
Segment_Distance = d2km}
However, the index exceeds the matrix dimensions, and I can't seem to figure out how to work around this issue. If anyone could correct my code it would be much appreciate.

Best Answer

for j = 1:length(Final_Latitude_Values)-1
instead of
for j = 1:length(Final_Latitude_Values)
Best wishes