MATLAB: Loop to a specific point in data set

arraycellfor loopif statementundefined function

I have a function used to loop through a data set and I want it to stop once the data reaches a specific threshold (In this case, the failure displacement value 'fdValue'. However, I keep getting the error for the if statement:
Undefined function 'ge' for input arguments of type 'cell'.
I think 'cellfun' can be used in this case but I'm not sure how to use it. Any Suggestions? Below is the function
totalRect = 0;
for j = 2:length(bridgeDisp)
rectangle1 = (bridgeDisp(j, 1) - bridgeDisp(j-1, 1))*((bridgeLoad(j, 1) + bridgeLoad(j-1, 1))/2);
totalRect = totalRect + rectangle1;
%If statment error
if bridgeDisp(j, 1) >= fdValue

Best Answer

Why is fdValue a cell array in the first place?
I assume the cell array contains a numerical scalar. If so replace
bridgeDisp(j, 1) >= fdValue
bridgeDisp(j, 1) >= fdValue{1}
or maybe by
bridgeDisp(j, 1) >= str2double(fdValue{1})
if the cell arrays contains a string