MATLAB: Loop only storing last run in nested for loop … should be easy indixing easy for the experienced eye


This is a bit complex to explain without an essay but in point form, I have:
A large matrix with two parameters for 6 heights I want to bin the data by one parameter and then store this data in a struct for each bin I then was to do this for each height
The data is arranged in the following order date x y x2 y2 x3 y3 … where the different levels represent the parameters at different heights.
Here is the code I have thus for but the loop is making the structure of the struct (names etc) perfectly but not iteratively saving the data:
inpdata = tower_wind_GF_allyrs;
inpdata = inpdata(~any(isnan(inpdata),2),:);
inpdata = inpdata(~any(isinf(inpdata),2),:);
bin = 0:0.51444:40;%maxws;
names = strtrim(cellstr(num2str([1:(length(bin)-1)]'))');
names = strrep(strcat('bin',names),'.','');
names2 = {'height10m' 'height20m' 'height40m' 'height80m' 'height120m' 'height200m'};
ind = cell(6,(length(bin)-1));
for k = linspace(2,12,6)
for l = linspace(3,13,6)
for i = 1:(length(bin)-1)
for varname = 1:length(names2)
search = find(inpdata(:,k) >= bin(i) & inpdata(:,k) < bin(i+1));
ind{varname,i} = search
binned_wind_allyrs.(names2{1,varname}).(names{1,i}) = cell(1,(length(bin)-1));
binned_wind_allyrs.(names2{1,varname}).(names{1,i}) = [inpdata(ind{varname,i}(:,1),k),inpdata(ind{varname,i}(:,1),l)];
Would LOVE to figure this out. Thanks in advance

Best Answer

You could simplify the syntax quite a bit using histc and accumarray:
inpdata = [datenum(2014,1,1)+(1:100)' rand(100,12)*39];
nheight = (size(inpdata,2)-1)/2;
bin = 0:0.51444:40;
nbin = length(bin);
xdata = inpdata(:,2:2:end);
ydata = inpdata(:,3:2:end);
% Bin the data
[n, idx] = histc(xdata, bin);
idx(idx == nbin+1) = nbin;
bindata = cell(nbin, nheight);
for ii = 1:nheight
x = accumarray(idx(:,ii), xdata(:,ii), [nbin 1], @(x) {x});
y = accumarray(idx(:,ii), ydata(:,ii), [nbin 1], @(x) {x});
bindata(:,ii) = cellfun(@(x,y) [x y], x, y, 'uni', 0);
% Structure output
bname = cellstr(num2str((1:nbin)', 'bin%02d'));
hname = {'height10m' 'height20m' 'height40m' 'height80m' 'height120m' 'height200m'};
for ib = 1:nbin
for ih = 1:nheight
S.(bname{ib}).(hname{ih}) = bindata{ib,ih};