MATLAB: Loop is not looping

3sumassistbroken codeloopobjectiverandsamplerepeat

Hi guys, this is my final questions. So the objective of this program is to find all combinations of a, b, and c that equal zero. I want it to keep spitting out combinations until it's found all possible ones, but right now if I run it, it will either not get one and stop, or it will get a few and then stop. Here is the code:
F = [-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,1,2,3,4,5];
T = @(a,b,c) (a + b + c);
for m=F
a = randsample (F,1);
b = randsample (F,1);
c = randsample (F,1);
if T(a,b,c) == 0
disp ([a b c]);
Thanks for the help in advance.

Best Answer

M = [];
for ii = 1 : large_number
if T(a,b,c)==0
M = cat( 1, M, [a,b,c] );
M = unique( M, 'rows' );
--- EDIT ---
function U = cssm( N )
F = [-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,1,2,3,4,5];
T = @(a,b,c) (a + b + c);
M = [];
for m = 1 : N
a = randsample (F,1);
b = randsample (F,1);
c = randsample (F,1);
if T(a,b,c) == 0
M = cat( 1, M, [a,b,c] );
U = unique( M, 'rows');
You decide what all combinations mean.
U = cssm(1e4);
1e4 is that large enough to capture all combinations?