MATLAB: Loop for words vector


Hallo everyone. I have a question. Is it possible to use a loop to create vector of words depending on the number.
As input I have a number, which can be changed according to any wish. And as a result i wont to get a row of words %input Number=10
C = cell(1,Number)
for i=1:Number
C(1,i)={'portfolio' *i* };
And using the loop I want a change of index "i"
Asa result Output have to be something like that: C={'portfolio 1','portfolio 2','portfolio 3','portfolio 4',……'portfolio 10'};
Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

You can use the sprintf command to do what you require. Just modify your body of the for loop from what you have to
C{i} = sprintf('portfolio %d',i);
Note that since your code has defined C to be a cell array, the curly braces {} are used to access elements within it.