MATLAB: Loop different variables from workspace


num = 1; -------> 475
current_file = Test_1; -----------------> test_475 (Table of name 'Test_1' in workspace)
rate = height(current_file);
for i=1:rate
rel = current_file.S;
vel = current_file.E;
time = current_file.t;
Target_v{i,1} = rel(i) + vel(i);
if i == rate
T = array2table(Target_v);
C = [current_file(:,1:3) T current_file(:,4:45)]
eval(['Dataset_' num2str(num) '= C']);
Target_v= [ ];
I want to load multiple variables that are in workspace in a for loop add a column to each one of them and save them with another name or export them to excel. How can I do this?

Best Answer

The most important thing is to always load into an output variable:
Q = load(...) % Q is a scalar structure
where the fields of Q contain the variables from the .mat file. From there it is easy to access the fields using dynamic fieldnames:
As a special case, if each .mat file contains exactly one variable (e.g. a table) each with a different name, then you can use struct2cell quite effectively:
D = 'C:\Users\yourname\yourwork'; % absolute/relative path to where the files are saved
S = dir(fullfile(D,'*.mat'));
for k = 1:numel(S)
Q = load(fullfile(D,S(k).name));
C = struct2cell(Q);
T = C{1}; % T will be your table
... do whatever you want with T,
... then save it in a CSV file:
F = fullfile(D,sprintf('newfile_%d.csv',k));
... or store it for accessing after the loop:
S(k).table = T;