MATLAB: Loop and graph problem (time vs area)

help me loop

I have series of images something look like this.
each image was taken with increment of time (interval of 5 seconds) and I need to compute the area of each image then make a graph (x-axis: time , y-axis: area)
I think I should use loop function (repeating same method), and length (to calculate the number of file) Then at the end, make a graph. But
@@@@@@@@@@@@Here is my code which opens just one image. (works well)@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
a=imread ('rose1.jpg'); % read image
b= rgb2gray (a); %chagne to gray image
c= im2bw(b) % change to black and white image
regions1and2 = imclearborder(~c); clear the border region
area = bwarea(regions1and2); % calculate the area of region 1 and 2
@@@@@@@@@here is other code that does not work well@@@@@@@@@
path= 'F:\Thesis data\'
file= dir([path 'jpg']);
n_file=length(file); count number of files
x = 1:1:10
for i = 1:n_file
temp = imread([path file(i).name])'
temp2 = rgb2gray (temp)
temp3 = im2bw(temp2)
temp4 = imclearborder(~temp3);
area = bwarea(temp4);

Best Answer

problem 1: Looks like your dir call should be "dir([path '*.jpg'])
problem 2: Looks like area = bwarea(temp4); should be area(i) = bwarea(temp4);
problem 3: plot(x,i); should be plot(1:n_files,area);