MATLAB: Lookup table code generation

customize codeEmbedded Coderlook-uplookupsimulinksimulink coder

I'd like to use 1-D lookup tables in my model and have Embedded Coder generate custom code out of it (legacy algorithm library). How would I go about it?
Generating code from the model would result in something like this:
LookUp_U8_U8( &(rtb_LookupTableC2), Subsystem_P.LookupTableC2_YData, myOtherGlobalInputVariable, Subsystem_P.LookupTableC2_XData, 4U);
What I would need would be something like this:
Any suggestion is greatly appreciated! Thank you!

Best Answer

To generate the the function call as you have shown, you can use s-function and it's in-lining TLC file. There is no need to write s-function manually. You can easily generate S-function and it's inlining TLC file using S-function builder or using Legacy code tool.
For your requirement Legacy code tool is best suitable.