MATLAB: Looking for an existing code in matlab that analyze EEG signals by FFT


can you please help me ?
I'm looking for FFT analysis to EEG signals in matlab.
I'll explain myself :
I receive a signal in the time domain , let's assume x(t), it is known signal with known sleep stage. (the PC provides this signals randomly ).
I'm looking for an existing code in matlab that FFT analyze this x(t) ,computes its frequencies and amplitudes and plot the relevant sleep stage accordingly
can you suggest for this code ? or guide me, how can i write this code correctly ?
I should clarify my self about the know EEG signals from the PC, those signals produced by function that written in matlab. let us assume that this function called SIG_GEN.
This function provides signals that supposed to represent EEG signals (with the same amplitude and frequency values).
My code should receive this input data (from the mentioned function) and analyze it with the FFT.
After the analyzing and computing processes , my code supposed to plot the sleep stage.
Of course, that the sleep stages that my code plots, should be accurate as possible to the original signals from the PC (from the main function that provides those signals).
do you have existing code for this scenario ?
hope that i explained myself clear enough
Thanks a lot,

Best Answer

You might be interested in the following: It is kind of a toolbox for EEG in matlab and has good tutorials..
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