MATLAB: Long loading time of a 60 MB matrix


Hi all,
I am currently having a 256GB SSD with a Sequential Read of 2.5GB/s, but loading a 60MB matrix took an average of 100.3 seconds to run. Is it possible if you can check my matrix -v7.3 to suggest me a method to speed up this loading process.
Should I convert it to -v6.0?

Best Answer

"loading a 60MB matrix took an average of 100.3 seconds"
>> tic, S=load('h:\m\cssm\110.mat'); toc
Elapsed time is 25.627453 seconds.
The variable is_land is 10GB (60MB is with compression)
>> S
S =
struct with fields:
is_land: [36023×36023 double]
x: [1×36023 double]
y: [1×36023 double]
>> 36023^2*8/1e9
ans =
Only -v7.3 can handle a 10GB matrix.
However, is_land holds only zeros and ones. You may convert it to uint8 and save a factor eight. uint8 in combination with -v7.0 (or -v6.0) will be much faster.