MATLAB: Long dashes in a dashed line matlab plot

linestyleslong dashesplotting

Good morning, I m plotting some results with matlab using the plot command as follows: plot(X,'color','r','linestyle','–','linewidth',1.5) I wonder if it s possible to change the length of the dashes to use longer ones !! Thank you in advance & Happy new year

Best Answer

For plotting on the screen, there is no straight solution. When you export the diagram to an EPS, there are some solutions in the FileExchange:
For the display on the screen you can use this workaround:
x = linspace(0, 4*pi, 400);
y = sin(x);
yDashed = y;
yDashed(10:20:length(yDashed)) = NaN;
plot(x, yDashed);
A nicer solution would be not to use equidistant steps on the X axis, but measure the curve length:
rangeX = max(x) - min(x);
rangeY = max(y) - min(y);
Q = [diff(x) / rangeX; diff(y) / rangeY];
L = [0, cumsum(sqrt(sum(Q .* Q)))];
L = (length(L) / L(end)) * L;
a = 5; % start point
b = 1; % gap width
c = 10; % gap frequency
index = rem(round(L) + a, c) <= b;
yDashed = y;
yDashed(index) = NaN;
plot(x, yDashed);