MATLAB: LogicAnalyser – Variable Number of inputs

dspDSP System Toolboxlogicanalysersimulink

When using the DSP logic analyser the step method expects to receive N inputs where N is equal to the number of input ports specified when instanciating the scope
scope = dsp.LogicAnalyzer('NumInputPorts',3);
I'm trying create a script to plot data from the output of a Simulink model where there can be any number of inputs. The output from the simulink model is a "Stucture with Time" named yout.
data = [yout.signals.values]
Gives me the data i need, i can access each step by iterating though each row of data but I don't know how to pass all N signals for a single time step to the LogicAnalyzer object. data contains logical values.
Is there a method to pass the logic analyzer a variable number of data points? Perhaps as a vector?
The only solution I have come up with is to use eval to execute the step command with a string I create that contains 'data(t,1), data(t,2)… '

Best Answer

Please take a look at the file analyzeLogicFromSimulink to see how to pass in the entire set of data at one go. This function creates and plots all the logged data from a Simulink simulation.
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