MATLAB: Logical statement with variable gates and true/false vectors without using EVAL


Hi All! Thank-you for help in advance.
I have a long logical statement of a dozen true/false vectors with eleven logical gates between them. The gates can have any one of the three values selected from:
gate = {'&','|','&~'};
Let me use just two vectors and one gate for simplicity. If I use eval, it is a simple matter of concatenating a string…
tfvect1 = [0;1;0;1;1];
tfvect2 = [1;1;1;1;0];
gate = {'&','|','&~'};
tf_result = eval(['tfvect1',gate{n},'tfvect2'])
but I want to avoid EVAL (aka 'EVIL') because I want to compile the code. This is actually the first time ever I've used EVAL, but I can't think of another way. STR2FUNC doesn't interpret a logical statement as valid, that is:
tfvect1 = [0;1;0;1;1];
tfvect2 = [1;1;1;1;0];
gate = {'&','|','&~'};
str='@(hit1,hit2,n)hit1 gate{n} hit2'
tf = str2func(str);
chokes on the logical statement (which MATLAB is happy with if you type it on the command line) – apparently STRFUNC only accepts algebraic statements.
Surely there is a better method than hard coding all the possible permutations of the logical statement? Any ideas please?

Best Answer

How about indexing into the function handles?
gate = {@and, @or, @(x,y)x&~y} %'&','|','&~'};
tfvect1 = [0;1;0;1;1];
tfvect2 = [1;1;1;1;0];
gateidx = [2 3 1];
for ii = numel(gateidx):-1:1
tf(:, ii) = gate{gateidx(ii)}(tfvect1, tfvect2);