MATLAB: Logarithmic scale for colorbar


I sometimes require a plot which has a colorbar with a log scale. Previously I did this by setting the 'yscale' property of the underlying colorbar axes, but this no longer works with the new graphics system. Is there a workaround for the new system?

Best Answer

Hello Tom,
My script plots sample data in logscale using "countourf", and both "YTick" and "YTickLabel" are set in "colorbar" on the last line:
c=[1 10/3 10 100/3 100 1000/3 1000 10000/3 10000];
colormap(bone); %Color palate named "bone"
caxis(log([c(1) c(length(c))]));
If this code does not meet your needs, let me know, and I will develop a more appropriate solution,
Best regards,
Jonathan Campelli