MATLAB: Logarithmic axis when using area plots?!

area semilog yscale

I have plot containing two area plots:
hold on
axis auto;
Now I'd like to make the x-axis logarithmic via:
set (gca, 'Xscale', 'log')
This creates logarithmic x-axes, however it deletes the color of the first area plot (leaving just a line plot) and messes up the range. Any suggestions on how to create a semilog area plot with two areas?
Thanks Arnold!
PS: Sorry that the Text Markup doesn't seem to work here either (or only in my view?!)

Best Answer

The problem is that your x data contains a value of zero, the logarithm of which is undefined. There is no zero on a logarithmic axis. To avoid this, simply start your area, for instance, at an x value of 1 instead of 0:
x1 = 1:1:d;
If you additionally want a logarithmic y axis, the same problem arises because by default, the painted area face goes down to zero. However, you can specify a different BaseValue like this:
area(x2, y2, 'FaceColor', 'red', 'BaseValue', 1e0)