MATLAB: Log used function names in a MATLAB program

MATLABmatlab functionoop

I want to log the name of all the functions that are called for each Object instance in MATLAB!
For example if we have this class:
classdef ClassName
function obj = ClassName()
function ordinaryMethod()
And i run the following code:
testObj = ClassName();
I can somehow log that the ordinaryMethod was called for testObj which is a instance of ClassName. To make it clear, I dont want to just get a list of all the function names, I only need those that are used in my program.
Can anyone give me ideas, how i can achieve this? Ideal solution is that I don't have to change the function codes!

Best Answer

You could simply use the profiler which will return the list of all functions called by your code (when you run it), then filter that list by the class name:
profile('on'); %starts the profiler
%run your code
p = profile('info'); %stops the profiler
allfunctions = vertcat(p.FunctionName);
classfunctions = allfunctions(strncmp(allfunctions, 'ClassName>', numel(className))) %omly keep ClassName methods