MATLAB: “Locale” issue. Danish created-date extracted from file


I am extracting the creation date of a file on my Windows 10 PC with the following code lines:
fileInfo = dir(filePath);
datetime( is written out while datetime fails. The result is:
As you can see the extracted created-date is given in a correct, readable format dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm:ss. But the month is written in Danish language maj. I have not had this error before, most likely because the first 3 letters of all other Danish months are the same as in English. But in the glorious month of May it fails.
As the error message tells me, I have been looking into the Locale parameter, but I am not able to use it for my specific purpose (there are e.g. several English language questions like this one but I need a Danish conversion equivalent).
I am not able to change computer settings (that will be impractical in any case, as the script will be run on different computers now and then).
Can anyone give me a helping hand? Can MatLab do a quick DK-to-EN conversion while doing the datetime command? (Could MatLab maybe do such a conversion from any language, such that this will never be an issue for anyone using the script?)
Or must I do a string-search for Danish words and replace them with English? The following is namely working well – but is very unflexible and specific:

Best Answer

Avoid the whole problem by using the structure's datenum field, which is a MATLAB serial datenumber. You can easily convert this to datetime using something like this:
S = dir(...)
T = datetime([S.datenum],'ConvertFrom','datenum')