MATLAB: Loading .txt file

.txt text load

Hi, How do I load a file like this (3 lines):
#A=AY/func/7_corrs/broca_4mm_Z_2standard.nii.gz B=AY2/func/7_corrs/broca_4mm_Z_2standard.nii.gz
#A #B #(A uni B) #(A int B) #(A \ B) #(B \ A) %(A \ B) %(B \ A) Rx(B/A) Ry(B/A) Rz(B/A)
127239 173524 204106 96657 30582 76867 24.0351 44.2976 0.9209 0.9803 1.3314
What I want to extract in Matlab is..
#A = 127239
#B = 173524
#(A uni B) = 204106
Thank you,

Best Answer

If you don't need individual variable names then I'd probably go with the simplest approach of
data = dlmread('data.txt','',2,0);
If you have missing values or error codes or other weirdness, then use textscan.
If you have Statistics Toolbox, another approach would be to use dataset to import the data as a dataset array:
data = dataset('File','data.txt','headerlines',1);
The downside is that the variable names will be hideous, due to all the non-valid characters. If you wanted to get vaguely fancy (and had some pattern to how to interpret the names), you could use regexp:
fid = fopen('data.txt','rt');
hdr = fgetl(fid);
hdr = regexp(fgetl(fid),'\t','split');
hdr = regexprep(hdr,'#','No_');
hdr = regexprep(hdr,'%','Perc_');
hdr = regexprep(hdr,'\W','');
data = dataset('File','data.txt','headerlines',1);
data.Properties.VarNames = hdr