MATLAB: Loading structure with Simulink output returns timeseries object error

load;time series object

I have a structure in a mat file that I want to load as follows,
load('simulation_000003.mat', 'variablesNotUsedInRun')
But I get the error below. The mat file contains output from a Simulink run (see comment below). Other variables in the file load fine except for variablesNotUsedInRun which invokes and crashes timeseries.m . Why is this simple load command failing?
Operands to the || and && operators must be convertible to logical scalar values.
Error in tsdata.datametadata.warnAboutIsTimeFirst (line 88)
if (len>0 && isTimeFirst ~= tsdata.datametadata.isTimeFirst(sizeData,len,interpretSingleRowDataAs3D))
Error in timeseries.loadobj (line 499)
88 if (len>0 && isTimeFirst ~= tsdata.datametadata.isTimeFirst(sizeData,len,interpretSingleRowDataAs3D))
(Note len=[] here)

Best Answer

I tried reproducing by saving many variables to a mat-file, including a structure with fields of class Simulink.ModelDataLogs and Simulink.WorkspaceVar and loding it using a command similar to your. I do not receive errors, so there is something I am missing.
What you describe sounds like a bug.
Please contact technical support with reproduction steps to help us investigate.
I am glad that you have a workaround to continue working.