MATLAB: Loading multiple .mat files by using for loop

for looploadmatMATLAB

Hello, I am trying to load some .mat files and run some specific commands on. The .mat files are named as the following:
% Data Files
dataset1_1.mat dataset2_1.mat dataset3_1.mat ...and so on
dataset1_2.mat dataset2_2.mat ...and so on
dataset1_3.mat ...and so on
...and so on
I want to first load all the dataset1_*.mat files and then perform some calculations on each of them in order (i.e. perform calculations on dataset1_1.mat, then dataset1_2.mat…and so on).
After completing all of the dataset1_*.mat files, I would like to move onto the next batch of files, dataset2_*.mat, and repeat(i.e. perform calculations on dataset2_1.mat, then dataset2_2.mat…and so on).
Process will continue until the last dataset*_*.mat file.
Here is my code so far
% code
files = dir('dataset*_1.mat');
for i = length(files)
files2 = dir('dataset(i)_*.mat');
for j = 1:length(files2)
a = load(files2(j).name);
%Perform some calculations on dataset
I am using 2 for loops, not sure where I am going wrong. Thanks for the help!

Best Answer

the line
_files = dir('dataset*_1.mat');_
returns dataset1_1, dataset2_1,... not what you want. then
files2 = dir('dataset(i)_*.mat')
will return nothing, because (i) is not interpreted, you're asking for a file exactly named 'dataset(i)_*.mat'.
you should do something like
% number of set (dataset1, dataset2, ...if unknown, figure it out).
NumberOfDataset = 3;
for i = 1:NumberOfDataset
% get allfiles matching the pattern 'dataset(i)_*'
files = dir(sprintf('dataset%d_*.mat',i));
for j = 1:length(files)
fprintf('Current file : %s\n',files(j).name)
a = load(files(j).name);
%Perform some calculations on dataset