MATLAB: Loading Large .txt files

Let's say I have a very very large .txt file with (200millions row & 11 columns= 200m-by-11 matrix). All data are numeric number value (e.g., 10, 100 ,200…) . My file is ~ 20GB
When I load this data in Matlab, the errors occurs: "Out of Memory"
clear;clc;filename = 'test42.txt'; load('test42.txt');P = test42(:,1:3);%get data=coordinate(x,y,z) from set of data "column" at (all row & column 1,2,3)
My PC system: win10-64 bit, RAM 16GB, core-i7, HDD:1TB; SSD 1TB
Actually, I just want to load the data contain only first 3 columns. It mean, the matrix that I want to get is: 200m-by-3 matrix. And with the reduce column, I hope Matlab is able to load data.
Do you know any way to read the whole dataset, or read the reduce data with only first 3 columns? Thanks.
The format of my file is like this.

Best Answer

You didn't say how much physical memory is in your system.
Matlab provides ways to handle large text files, Large Files and Big Data, but forget that for a moment. It's not a free lunch.
" (e.g., 10, 100 ,200...)" Does that mean positive whole numbers only? If so, do you know the maximum value of the three first columns, respectively?
"When I load this data" What exactly did you do?
The three first columns will take 4.8GB to store as double.
>> 200*1e6*3*8/1e9
ans =
But do you need to use double?
Simplest first, convert the three first columns to double and skip the remaining seven columns. Try

fid = fopen( 'c:\whatever\the_huge_text_file.txt', 'r' );
cac = textscan( fid, '%f%f%f%*f%*f%*f%*f%*f%*f%*f', 'HeaderLines',0 );
fclose( fid );
Or use an alternative formatspec, which is a bit easier to read. It says read the first three columns and skip the rest up til a new-line character.
cac = textscan( num2str([1:10]), '%f%f%f%*[^\n]', 'HeaderLines',0 );
Next step requires input from you on the numbers in the three first columns.
In response to the edited question
To keep the precision of the numbers in the text file you need to use double. I'm positive that
fid = fopen( 'c:\whatever\test42.txt', 'r' );
cac = textscan( fid, '%f%f%f%*f%*f%*f%*f%*f%*f%*f', 'CollectOutput',true );
fclose( fid );
will load the three first columns without problems (on your system).