MATLAB: Loading indexed .mat files using a for loop

for loopindexing

I would like to know how to load several .mat files using a for loop. My files are as follows T1, T2,… and E1, E2,…. My code is shown below. As you can see I tried using num2str but that didn't work. Also tried strcat to create strings following the file names and then load them. There's probably something I am missing, any help ?
Thank You !
mu_Au = -0.1353383;
mu_Si = 0.1353383;
k_B = 8.6173303e-5;
T = 300;
e0= 1.6021766e-19;
h = 6.62607e-34;
fermi_func = @(E,mu) 1./(1 + exp((E-mu)/(k_B*T)));
for i=1:2
E = load('E'num2str(i) '.mat');
T = load('T'num2str(i) '.mat');
integral = T.*[fermi_func(E,mu_Si) - fermi_func(E,mu_Au)];
I(i) = 2*(e0^2/h)*cumtrapz(E,integral);
s(i) = sum(I);
mu_Au = mu_Au - 0.121;
mu_Si = mu_Si + 0.121;

Best Answer

Forgot the square brackets [ ] and commas , :
E = load(['E',num2str(i),'.mat']);
T = load(['T',num2str(i),'.mat']);
Alternative is to use sprintf():
E = load(sprintf('E%d',i);
T = load(sprintf('T%d',i);