MATLAB: Loading files from the folder

directoryloadload datamat filesselection

I have this code which allows the user to select any folder on the computer and then loads all the .mat files to the directory.
%% Data Acuisition from the folder%%%
pathname = uigetdir;
allfiles = dir(fullfile(pathname,'*.mat'));
out = load(allfiles(1).name);
% load all files in a struct so they can accessed later on
for k = 2: numel(allfiles)
out(k) = load(allfiles(k).name);
I want to make changes to it such that, user is able to select some files from the folder and not all of them to be loaded to matlab directory..
Does any one know how can we do it ?

Best Answer

hamzah - could you use uigetfile and allow the user to select the files that they are interested in?
[file,path] = uigetfile('*.mat',...
'Select One or More Files', ...
'MultiSelect', 'on');