MATLAB: Loading Files Error Import


First, I am opening several data files (.mat) into my workspace. It's strange that there names change when I do this, and I am not sure if this is related to my error. For example ES001_L_8wk.mat appears as ES006EEGEMGLP8wkresample.
My code starts off with: load ('ES001_L_8wk.mat') but I recieve the error
Error using load
Unable to read file 'ES001_L_8wk.mat'. No such
file or directory.
even though that file has been uploaded to my workspace.
Any help would be appreciated!

Best Answer

For the error: ‘No such file or directory’, make sure the .mat file which you are trying to load exists on the MATLAB path. For the error of .mat files getting renamed check that you don’t have any code causing that because I tried reproducing same situation and no file got renamed
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