MATLAB: Loading file stored as string and then plotting data from file


I am attempting to create a script which asks the user for the filename of a txt file whose contents will later be plotted.
filename = input('What is the filename (without the extension) e.g. RCP6: ','s');
if isempty(filename)
filename=input('What is the filename (without the extension) e.g. RCP6: ','s');
ext = input('What is the filetype (extension) e.g. .txt: ','s');
if isempty(ext)
ext=input('What is the filetype (extension) e.g. .txt: ','s');
filew = strcat(filename,ext)
A = filename
Y = A(:,1)
E = A(:,2)
xlabel('calendar year')
ylabel('annual fossil carbon emissions (GtC)')
As written, the code correctly concatenates filename and ext, however, it does not appear that load (filew) correctly loads that file, since given a filename = RCP3PD for example, Y = R and E = C, instead of Y storing the first column of values from RCP3PD.txt, and E storing the second column?
Any Suggestions? I have seen other "load file from string" threads make reference to the sprintf() function – would that apply here? Perhaps having the user point to a particular directory would be a better approach?

Best Answer

I propose you replace
A = filename
A = load( filew );
That makes the code easier to read and understand - I think.
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