MATLAB: Loading ascii data file with headers

asciidata loading

I am having trouble loading a data file into matlab with some headers. Here is an sample of what I have:
Sweep_6_2_1 4.924117200E+04 13:40:41.171
"Index" "Distance[m]" "I-tip[A]"
0 0.000000000E+00 1.647949222E-09
1 3.100000000E-07 1.665649396E-09
2 6.200000000E-07 1.679992701E-09
3 9.300000000E-07 1.701660146E-09
4 1.240000000E-06 1.721191412E-09
5 1.550000000E-06 1.745300238E-09
6 1.860000000E-06 1.777038627E-09
7 2.170000000E-06 1.811218286E-09
8 2.480000000E-06 1.844787545E-09
9 2.790000000E-06 1.878662115E-09
10 3.100000000E-06 1.914672865E-09
11 3.410000000E-06 1.954650886E-09
12 3.720000000E-06 1.990966725E-09
I would like to have just a matrix with the numerical values. Any ideas?

Best Answer

This should do it
fid = fopen('path/to/your/file.txt', 'rt');
Data = textscan(fid, '%d %f %f', 'headerLines', 3, 'CollectOutput', true);
Data= cell2mat( Data);