MATLAB: Loading and naming specific columns

data structurefor loop

I used this code to import and name data in Matlab:
for i=1951:2000
fileName=['arunoff_' num2str(i)];
dataStruct.(fileName)=importdata([fileName '.txt']);
This creates data structure dataStruct.arunoff_(i).data for each year (1951-2000). Next I would like to create and name another set of variables using the third column in 'data' (i.e.,3),,3) etc.). However, I don't know how to write a loop that does that and was wondering if someone could help me with this? My main problem is I don't know how to tell the loop to use data in each a_runoff(i) structure.
Hope this makes sense, thanks very much for the help!

Best Answer

fn = fieldnames(dataStruct);
for K = 1:length(fn)
newStruct.([fn 'd3']) = dataStruct.(fn).data(:,3);