MATLAB: Load multiple trained reinforcement agents into MATLAB workspace

agentload from fileload multiple filesreinforcement learningreinforcement learning agentReinforcement Learning Toolboxsimulate agent

I have trained a DDPQ reinforcement learning agent and saved all agents with a reward over a set critieria.
These have all been saved into the same file directory autonomously with the name "AgentXXXX" with XXXX being the training iteration (note these are not necassarily sequential).
I am looking to assess them all over 10 randomly initiated tests to identify the top 5% for further testing.
The question I have is how to import all the agents to the matlab workspace with unique names as to test them all in one for loop so I do not have to manually load each agent.
there are around 2000 saved agents.

Best Answer

It is not neccessary to load all 2000 agents into MATLAB (consume memory and tricky to assign unique name) to evaluate their performance. Instead, I believe a more reasonable approach would be load an agent, run 10 tests, log results and repeat
% get a list of all mat file in the folder, assuming only agent are saved in the folder as mat file
listing = dir('*.mat');
for ct = 1:numel(listing)
% run test on agent
% log result
% combine result from each agent
% analyze