MATLAB: Load multiple .mat file and do same calculation on each file

for loop

i have 100 .mat file name "A00001-A00100". i want to create loop that do calculation (written in code) one by one on each file but my code just do calculation on first file (A00001.mat) only. please help!,
% loop to do same calculation on each file,
for i=1:100
load(['A000' num2str(i,'%02d') '.mat' ]);

Best Answer

Your code works only for A00001 because you set 'A00001' as input arguments for GQRS, RDANN, RDSAMP. Change the numbers with index i.
for i=1:5
str = 'A000' num2str(i,'%02d');
filename = [str, '.mat']
% calculations
N = 9000;
gqrs(str, N);
ann = rdann(str, 'qrs', [], N);
[tm,sig] = rdsamp(str, [], N);
Also, if you breakdown the problem, you can easily find which part you need to change.
  1. Made the maximum loop index smaller from 100 to 5.
  2. To check the mat-file was loaded correctly, created the variable, filename.
  3. Since the first loading part worked correctly, checked the second part.