MATLAB: Load mat table to gui table

.mat filegui

hello, i need to load specific data from my mat file to gui table u can see mat file in the picture i need to show specific data,
load Data_Plat.mat
[row,~] = size(Database_All);
data2 = cell(row,4);
for n = 1:row
data2{n,1} = Database_All.Plat{n};
data2{n,2} = Database_All.Nama{n};
data2{n,3} = Database_All.Jurusan{n};
data2{n,4} = Database_All.Status{n};
this is my code for show all data from mat file in to gui table, the question is, how can i just show 1 data, for example, data with number plat DD6713MT

Best Answer

Firstly, a much simpler version of your original code:
data_plat = load('Data_Plat.mat');
Database_All = data_plat.Database_All;
data2 = table2cell(Database_All(:, {'Plat', 'Nama', 'Jurusan', 'Status'}));
set(handles.uitable1, 'Data', data2);
If you want to filter your table to only include the rows that match a certain value, replace the : above by your filter, eg.:
data2 = table2cell(Database_All(strcmpi(Database_All.Plat, 'DD6713MT'), {'Plat', 'Nama', 'Jurusan', 'Status'}));