MATLAB: Load .mat-file in Web App Server

.mat fileerrorloadmatMATLABMATLAB Web App Serversaveserverweb appweb app server

Hi folks,
I have an App running on Web App Server. What I'm trying to do is read in a .mat-file and set some values depending on the file.
My aim is to get to a point where a user can make some changes on the GUI/app then save the entered values to a custom .mat-file and load them back into the app to a later point in time. I hope my problem is okay to understand.
If I run my App out of Matlab save/load works fine. But on the deployed app on the server it doesn't.
I get the following messages in the log of the server:
% saveload.mat is uploaded successfully
% Error using load
% Unable to read file 'saveload.mat'. No such file or directory.
What am I doing wrong?

Best Answer

The solution is quite simple:
[file,path] = uigetfile('*.mat'); % see matlab documentation of uigetfile
data = load(file);