MATLAB: Load .mat file


After many hours trying to figure out how to load a file, I finally gave up ! It's my first time to use Load command, So please give me a basic explanation I have tried to load a file by the following code:
load pulse_7cm_-14dB_10x_aver;
t = Ts:Ts:size(RF)*Ts;
xlabel('time [\mus]');ylabel('Voltage [mV]');title('T');
but this error appears:
Error in ==> wer at 1
load pulse_7cm_-14dB_10x_aver;
What is the problem?

Best Answer

check that current directory contains your file to load - if yes, try this (use an extensioni, if exists):
load('pulse_7cm_-14dB_10x_aver.wav') % ssumed that this is a WAV file
you may look on handy function uigetfile (here is documentation )