MATLAB: Load images and save it into another format in matlab

Image Processing Toolboxload images and save it into another format in matlab

My code typically like below:
file = dir('C:\Users\doey\Documents\Sushi time ,Pv10');
file = file(~[file.isdir]); NF = length(file);
for k = 1 : NF
images = imread(fullfile('C:\Users\doey\Documents\Sushi time ,Pv10', file(k).name));
this works in saving all my images into a file I created, but when I try to open my saved images,its shown blank ,i have no idea for now …can anyone help me to analyze this? really appreciate …

Best Answer

You are writing "image" not "images". "image" is the name of a built in function and you should not use that as the name of a variable.