MATLAB: Live Editor Output on the same line

fprintflive editor

I have a loop in my code and I would like to print the temperature value until it is outside a specific range.
while ~temp_ok
fprintf('Temperature = %0.1f °C \n',ReadTemperature);
if (abs(ReadTemperature - TargetTemperature) < TEMP_TOLERANCE )
temp_ok = true;
The output window shows a line for each loop iteration:
Temperature = 22.8 °C
Temperature = 22.8 °C
Temperature = 22.8 °C
Is it possible to program Live Editor to print the output strings to the same line? With the previous editor it was very easy…

Best Answer

There is no publicly known way to do what you are asking.
In recent discussions about related issues (having to do with removing plots), Mathworks staff have said they will ask the developers to provide methods. The response was not entirely clear as to whethere there is no internal method at the moment, or if there is an internal method but there is no public interface to it.
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